Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Hugo Chavez death: Thousands march with coffin

Mourners took to the streets in parts of Venezuela
Thousands of people have come out onto the streets of Venezuela's capital Caracas to pay tribute to President Hugo Chavez, who died on Tuesday.
A procession accompanying Mr Chavez's coffin took more than six hours to reach the Military Academy where he will lie in state until Friday.
The government has announced seven days of mourning for the president.
Mr Chavez, a controversial figure and staunch critic of the US, was seriously ill with cancer for more than a year.
He died aged 58 on Tuesday after 14 years as president.
A self-proclaimed revolutionary, he inspired a left-wing revival across Latin America.

At the scene

Dramatic images are being broadcast on Venezuelan TV stations, as the hearse of Hugo Chavez crosses the city surrounded by a sea of red flags. People are crying and sobbing, screaming the name of the late president, many wearing red T-shirts and carrying his images.
"We carry you in our heart," said one woman sobbing on live television. "Long live Hugo Chavez," she screamed.
Foreign presidents, such as Bolivia's Evo Morales, are taking part in the procession, together with Mr Chavez's family members, Vice President Nicolas Maduro and all top government officials.
This is just the beginning of public events to mourn Mr Chavez. The funeral will be held on Friday, and even greater crowds are expected.
Latin American leaders are in Caracas to pay their respects - among them President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner of Argentina, Jose Mujica of Uruguay and Evo Morales of Bolivia.
Ecuador, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay, Chile, Cuba and the Caribbean island of Dominica have declared periods of official mourning.
Another Chavez ally, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, also announced a day of mourning, describing him as a "martyr".
'To the pantheon' On Wednesday morning, a priest prayed for eternal rest for Mr Chavez in a brief ceremony at the hospital where he died on Tuesday.
Officials then put the flag-draped coffin on top of a waiting hearse surrounded by crowds.
The procession began its slow 8km (five-mile) journey through the streets of Caracas, led by officials including Vice-President Nicolas Maduro and accompanied by cheering red-clad supporters.
Some shouted "Chavez to the pantheon", referring to the mausoleum he built for revolutionary leader Simon Bolivar.

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